Letters to America

Sunday, March 30th, 1941

My dear Joan,

Daddy told you that Anne went into Dora’s and she came back so excited about what they had been playing that she couldn’t get to sleep. She had tea with her too, but she didn’t eat very much. While she was there they took Judy(1) for a run and Anne like to hold his lead.

Do you know what I bought yesterday? Some dear little primroses, and there are a lot of daffodils about now. It’s so nice to see the flowers. The new leaves are beginning to come out on the trees too. It won’t be very long before you are wearing some of those pretty dresses that Auntie Mary told me about. I expect you are longing to put them on. Have you enjoyed wearing that dear little muff? Anne wants to go to America so that she can have one too!

I hope you and Teddy and Sandy and Cricket have a very nice Easter holiday. I have bought Anne and John their Easter egg. There is a tiny motor car in front (a red one for John and a green one for Anne) and there is supposed to be a balloon on top. You know, those funny balloons we saw at Stanmore.

Now darling, I know it is a long time before your birthday comes, but I want you to tell me if there is anything special you would like me to send you. I can’t think of anything you haven’t got, but I did see a dear little Bible with coloured pictures I thought you might like.

I have finished knitting John and Anne a red jersey. Do you do any knitting on rainy days? I hope Teddy received my letter or he will think me unkind not to answer his nice letter. John and Anne send you a big kiss. With lots of love from us all.

Your loving
xxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxx

  1. Judy was Dora's dog.