| February 22nd, 1942
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Darling Joan,
Sorry that we have missed two weeks “Sunny Stories”(1), but for some reason or another they have not turned up. Still here is this week’s again, and as an extra, here is Rupert(2) too from the paper that you used to enjoy at one time.
On Monday we received a lovely letter from Auntie Mary, with a letter from you enclosed. We are ever so sorry to hear that you have all been so sick and hope that by now you are all recovered and none the worse for it.
I hope that you were able to help Auntie Mary when she had Uncle Carl ill. I can imagine you doing all the little jobs for her that little boys don’t like doing, at least our John doesn’t, but perhaps Teddy and Sandy are different. We are looking forward to getting the photograph of you, and do hope that this time we have better luck and that it doesn’t get lost. We treasure the one we have of you with Teddy and Sandy, and perhaps when the summer comes again we shall be able to exchange some snaps, for I mean to take some more of the babies for you. They are growing up so fast that you won’t recognise them.
You are keeping up your letter writing quite well, Joan dear, and I hope that Auntie Mary doesn’t have to remind you every week. Your letters are getting more chatty and the writing of the last one was a good deal better than some earlier ones, which I think was due to writing on lined paper.
We like the special notepaper that you last wrote on, with the golliwog on the horse at the top. The babies were greatly pleased to see that.
All our love to you, Joan, and to Teddy and Sandy who, I know, must be wonderful playmates for you.
Your loving