Letters to America

Saturday, March 27th, 1943

Darling Joan,

Great news this week. We got two letters together in one envelope. And very lovely letters they were too, with the newspaper cutting. My goodness, you do seem to have grown up. You look such a serious little lady, but I don’t suppose you have really changed.

We all had a good laugh over the little letter included to John about the “lice”. And of course he had to be told all about them. He won’t make that mistake again.

It has been a lovely afternoon and I took the twins up on the allotment(1), after putting a row of peas in the garden. I put in another row of peas in the allotment and then two rows of savoy cabbage, which do very well here. I always grow the dwarf peas so as not to be bothered with “sticking” them.

It has been such a wonderful Spring so far that seed sowing is rather advanced, and already I have in shallots, lettuce, carrots, peas, parsnips and onions. And the roses are all pruned, so that we shall have a few flowers for Mummy to brighten the house up a little.

We shall have to grow an extra lot of things this year in order to keep all our rabbits fed, and so we are pleased to see some of their favourite weeds coming along now. Unfortunately here-abouts the wild parsley they love so much grows along with the nettle and it is no fun gathering it. But later on they like the nettles dried, and this is something that has to wait until the sun gets higher in the sky.

Anne has been sent off to bed early tonight as a punishment for losing her hat this afternoon. First I had to send her home because she was getting herself smothered with some lime that I had on the allotment. She wouldn’t leave it alone and had to be sent home to wash her hands. Then she came back riding her cycle and then went off again and arrived home minus her hat. That couldn’t be found anywhere, so off to bed she has had to go directly she had finished her tea.

Well Joan, it is now 8 o’clock and soon Mr. and Mrs. Kemp will be here for a game of bridge, but before that there will be the 4 letters from America to discuss. They will have theirs from Janet and John, and we have got our two, so there doesn’t look as though there will be much bridge tonight. So you see, we think quite a lot about you, and your letters mean so much to us. When there is none, then we have to console one another and wait till next week. When there is one then we are all smiles.

Cheerio(2), until next week, and I hope you enjoy the “Sunny Stories”(3).

Your loving

  1. An allotment is a small area of land in a town which a person rents to grow plants and vegetables on.
  2. People sometimes say 'cheerio' as a way of saying goodbye, especially in British English.
  3. Sunny Stories was a children's magazine published in the United Kingdom in the first half of the 20th century.