Letters to America

Saturday, October 7th, 1944

Darling Joan,

This has been a disappointing week again for us, because we still haven’t heard from you since your letter written from Pemberton(1) in July. There must be a lot on the way.

As things have quietened down a lot recently, Anne has restarted her Brownies (Junior Girl Guides) on Saturday afternoons. She went off last Saturday very proud in her uniform. We cannot get John interested in the Wolf Cubs (Junior Boy Scouts), he prefers to stay at home and make things.

I have just made them a set of dominoes and they have taken to the game of “threes-and-fives”(2) very well. Can you play “threes-and-fives”, Joan?

Betty has gone off on nine days leave and won’t be back until next Friday. I am glad she is having good weather because they work the WAAF’s(3) very hard and she deserves a nice holiday.

It is Sunday evening and the twins are in bed at last. They are sleeping together again in the shelter because we have been having evening alerts. Mummy and Nanny have been busy knitting. I am very tired having been painting all morning and gardening all the afternoon. I have some lovely leeks. They are the national emblem of Wales. I’m not a Welshman, but I like them very much. Do you?

Lots of love from your Daddy

P.S. write lots during the coming winter
Mummy sends her love and so does Nanny

  1. Pemberton, New Jersey. A farm belonging to the mother of Nana Anne (she was in her 90's).
  2. Threes-and-fives is a domino game.
  3. WAAF = a member of the Women's Auxiliary Air Force.