Letters to America

Thursday, July 26th, 1945

My darling Joan,

I have been expecting a letter this week saying you were about to sail. It just can’t be long now as it is over a month since the last batch sailed bringing Janet and John.

Daddy is not making very good progress, although I do think he is a little better. The Dr. said today that he will try to fix up some infra-red treatment and thinks that might shift it. We hope Kodak(1) will be able to do it as it will be much more convenient. Daddy managed to get downstairs and around the rooms with the aid of a walking stick, and today came down for his meals and then went back to bed. He finds that better than sitting up in bed. Do hope he will be quite better by the time you get home. He send his best love to you and is a good deal more cheerful now.

You will be glad to know we had an answer to our letter to the education officer, and they will consider you entering the annexe class at Preston Manor County School and will send us particulars in due course. I expect there will be a test to pass, but I’m confident you will get in, and I feel so happy your schooling is fixed.

Mrs. Gleadhall and family are going away this Saturday for a week and we are having Judy(2). She came in this morning and brought a swimming costume for Anne that Dora had outgrown. She said she hadn’t a comb to take away so I gave her the one Auntie Olive gave to me. I wonder if you could bring her a couple? She said she would pay you, but I don’t know if you will get this letter in time. It’s awful when you can’t buy real necessities like that, but I feel well off with the four you sent me.

The children started the summer holidays today and have 6 weeks this time. It has been a disappointing start with quite a lot of rain and a high wind. Anne has just gone off to Brownies and John has taken himself in the Rec.(3) as the rain has stopped.

Well, Joan, I do hope you are keeping well and that Sandy is home again. Give my love to Auntie Mary and best wishes to you all.

Much love from

  1. Kodak is an American company that produces various products related to its film photography. The company has its headquarters in Rochester, New York. Joan's father was an assistant superintendant at Kodak's factory in Harrow and she was evacuated to Rochester in 1940 as part of a scheme organised by the company.
  2. Judy was Dora's dog.
  3. Rec. is short for Recreation Ground.