These memories were written when Joan was in her eighties.
Left: In the garden with my father.
Right: In the garden.
I have only 2 memories of this time. The first is of crawling across the grass and putting my finger into a [worm?] hole, though
that may come from having seen it on a home movie. The second is of my father holding me to point out a plane flying over and saying
that it must be going at least 100 miles an hour. Planes were a rare sight and I must have been very impressed.
Summer holidays were at the Isle of Wight, either Shanklin or Sandown. I believe we stayed in a boarding house.
On holiday on the Isle of Wight
On October 25th 1936 my mother gave birth to twins, my sister Anne and my brother John. Between the 2 birthdays there had
been another baby that was lost at 3 months gestation.
I have no idea about the pictures above. The first is also 1938 and Anne and John are with me.
I don’t know why I was dressed up in the others. I never had dancing lessons. The book could well be “The Book of a Thousand Things”.
Here I am a bridesmaid at Rosie’s wedding to George Vogt. My dress was gold coloured. The other little girl is my cousin Violet,
my Uncle Arthur’s daughter. She moved to Australia many years later.
As a bridesmaid at Rosie’s wedding.